Home Columns and Opinion Breaking the debacles of Congresses and Primaries

Breaking the debacles of Congresses and Primaries

by Armada News

By Chuks Osuji

There is no doubt that of all the Social Sciences, Political Science is the only one that has the most direct in-depth study of the behaviours of human beings.

This is not only on abstract terms but in concrete terms. Although Sociology studies human behaviours, it is in relationship with “the behaviour of the society” in which the human being lives.

Generally speaking, it is the Political Science that goes deep in trying to understand the various human behavioral contents which make a human being to be unpredictable, slippery, un-circumspect, saying “Yes” when he actually means “No” in his deep heart.

Untrustworthy, making false promises to fellow human being, using coated tongues to say things which he knows are utterly incorrect but wants his fellow man to believe him, giving promises which he already knows that no matter what happens, that indeed, he is not going to keep them.

Saying that “ I am coming when he knows that, he is going, indeed making flexibility as an important function of his behaviour.

In fact in its attempt to study behaviour of a human being, Political Science although has succeeded to certain extent, it has not been able to definitively say what is it in man that when it comes to Politics, the rapidity with which human behaviours change remain perhaps a mystery.

Although several attempts have been made to explain this common mystery in the political behaviours of individuals, one thing is certain, some factors such as Environment, Culture, Economy, Religion and other societal imperatives tend to contribute to this political unpredictability in human beings.

Unfortunately, this perplexing and complexing behaviour of individuals is more complicated in the African continent. Although some tincture of it could be seen outside Africa, for example, Putin of Russia sticking to power for over 18 years now.

Here democracy is garnished with unusual bends of incompatible elements: partly jaundiced democracy, communism, fascism, little czarism and little internal imperialism, combination of dictatorship and unpopularism regime.

To bring this discussion home, it is very unfortunate that when we decided in 1979 to jettison Parliamentary Democracy to embrace Presidential system mostly practiced in the United States, we should have recognized the fact that Nigeria is not America.

Therefore we should have made some amendments to suit our own society’s political and socio-cultural imperatives that are not present in the United States. Therefore, it is our failure to appreciate this fact that has continued to pose serious challenges in our Presidential system and makes it difficult to have a smooth sailing on the ocean of politics in our country.

For example, an important element in any political system is “the spirit” of that system. For example we borrowed the American Presidential System without actually adopting the” American Spirit.”

Equally, another aspect of the American Presidential system which we have failed to modify to suit our environment is the Electoral system. Electoral system that would ensure truth and fact, free, fair and credible election. And that would have begun with the first stage of our electoral process.

For example, the selection of those to serve in the Electoral umpire called INEC should have been devoid of partisan and premodian considerations.

Today, if we deeply look into the composition of the present INEC, it is composed of people appointed on family background in order to favour the current political leadership particularly the Apex Leadership of INEC: The Federal INEC Commissioners with the Chairman.

Nigerians should check the background of these  six Federal Commissioners including that of the Chairman who always tells us that 2019 would be free, fair and credible. That is a mere grammar and we know it.

Another element in working Presidential system is the process of selecting candidates for various elections in America. Party officials at all levels does not attract the type of competition and noise that is been done here in our own system.

In the United States, party officials are appointed without noise. They are appointed among party members found to be devoted to the principles and ideals of particular political party. But in our own we have chosen to be electing party officials in a process that begins with Word (War) Congress.

Today, we have seen the type of ripples which the process of electing party officials at all levels generate. We could still remember what had happened during the election convention of PDP held last December. After some men and women had traversed the length and breadth of this country, during the campaign.

In American Party Primaries or Congress or Caucusus and other forms of electing delegates or voting or the selection of presidential or other candidates are purely sate matters, each States decides how and when to conduct the State Primary.

Each of the political parties plan for the parties primary or congresses according to the States law and not regulated by the Federal Government. In fact, it is as if to say that those who adopt the American Presidential system in 1978 for the then 1979 elections acted too much in hurry. They should have taken deeper look at the whole gamut of the American Presidential System to see the entanglement that should have been removed from the onset.

Thus, having adopted that system without adopting the American Spirit is the principle reason why we are facing turbulent congresses and primaries in many States, leading to loss of lives.

The most critical question is this “can we continue like this?” the answer is simply NO. There are political parties considered difficult in their congress and party primaries. They may see this processes too complicating. One way to do these is to ensure that every party member carries a membership card that is authentic and duely signed by the State Organizing Secretary and not by Local Governments or Party Officials.

Secondly, Parties should do direct congresses or primaries for the election of delegates. Delegates should be elected only for the Presidential Primaries at the National Conventions and the mode of electing delegates for the Presidential election must be streamlined to make it simple and direct.

Honestly, if the Direct Primaries System is adopted in which every card carrying member should vote at the ward level for the selection of candidates for various offices except that of the president on the same day nationwide, definitely, we shall not witness the type of fracas and pandemoniums witnessed in the last APC Primaries.

It will not be difficult for parties to organize peaceful, direct or open primaries nationwide. Another thing which must be jettisoned is the so-called Consensus Candidates. It is undemocratic and gives money bags in any party the leeway to confiscate the whole process.

Therefore, if we want to practice Presidential System, let us try to inject those characteristics which make it functionally free, fair and credible. What is more, we must stop the ideas of electing party officials at all levels.

They should be appointed from among party faithful, giving good employment package and make them to work assiduously for the party at all levels. Let us try new things that may be suggested by our knowledgeable and experienced sons and daughters.

According to W.B Dubois, “only the blacks would send their sons and daughters to school but will refuse to make use of their knowledge.” Let us try new things in our Party Primaries. The present process is an invitation to cheat and violence.

.Osuji, a political analyst writes from Owerri.

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