Home News #BringBackOurGirls Movement solidarise with deposed Emir Sanusi

#BringBackOurGirls Movement solidarise with deposed Emir Sanusi

by Armada News

The #BringBackOurGirls Movement has bemoaned the dethronement of former Emir of Kamno, Muhammad Sanusi II.


“As a staunch advocate of girl child education in Nigeria and particularly in the northern part of the country, this development marks a major shift in the fight that H.H. has so valiantly and consistently fought,” a statement signed by the group said.


We are however not dismayed, being reminded of the words of H.H. in his speech (delivered by Shahida Sanusi, his representative) titled: “CHIBOK AND THE MIRROR IN OUR FACES: SOME REFLECTIONS ON GENDER IN OUR SOCIETY,” at the 1st Annual Chibok Girls lecture in 2017 where in defiance to the status quo, he made the following remarks:


“anyone who challenges a system or fights for the voiceless must be ready for a serious backlash. Character assassination, slander, blackmail and intimidation are the normal tools employed by those who defend and profit from the status quo.”


“The poor people for whom you fight are voiceless by necessity. Those of us who are fortunate to be part of the elite and who choose not to speak for them are voiceless by choice. We want to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the pain of being insulted and abused on social media. We want to hold on to the small comforts of our status. We want access to power and to be seen as friends of those in power and members of our inner-circle. We are afraid of being destroyed by ruthless state machinery. We have a morbid fear of being isolated, of not belonging to an exclusive club close to power.”


“The reality is that everything in this world is fragile. Life itself will come to an end and we lose money and position and loved ones all the time. The only thing we have control over is who we are, what we stand for, what we represent. Being a coward or a sycophant will not add one day to your life or one day to the term of any of the things you hold dear. The worst silence is that which happens in the face of injustice.”


We extol the virtues of courage, consistency and dignity of H.H. and are rest assured in his continued defiance that justice will no longer be denied the poor and voiceless in our country.


As a movement, we remain resolute in his charge to us and to all well-meaning people of conscience that: “Do not be intimidated. Do not be silenced. Do not betray your conscience or sell your soul. Do not fear any human being. Stand up and take all the bullets that are fired at you but never kneel down. If you have to die, please die standing and not on your knees. Most important, ignore the noise. Do not defend yourself too much against personal attacks because they want your person, not the issues you raise, to be discussed. I know it is tough, I go through this every day, but I have learnt that after all the insults and blackmail the issues remain and will not disappear until they are addressed. That is your task, put these issues on the table and do not walk away until they are resolved.”

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