Home News Buhari harps on rule of law as 58th NBA conference opens

Buhari harps on rule of law as 58th NBA conference opens

by Armada News

Emphasis on application of rule of law was reechoed on Sunday by President Muhammadu Buhari opened the 58th National Conference of the Nigeria Bar Association.

It was a gathering of the bar and bench government officials and civil society organisations interested in the role of the judiciary in the survival of democracy.

Buhari in hi remarks urged the judiciary personnel  to ensure that the rule of law was given priority in the discharge of their professional calling.

He recalled that in the past impunity was allowed to fester because the bar and the bench were collaborators in the act and pleaded with the lawyers to ensure that they are part of the efforts of his government to ensure that Nigeria is a country where the rule of law reigns.

Chuef justice of Nigeria, Walter Onnoghen reminded the lawyers that the 2019 election is around the corner and that their integrity and sense of professional calling would be tested.

He warned the judiciary to remember to play by the democratic rule.

The conference is always held every two years during which time a new set of officials would be elected and sworn in to pilot the affairs of the NBA.

This year’s Bar election was deeply faulted as usual by the contestants, particularly in the category of the position  which produced Paul Usoro, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria as the president.


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