Home News NDDC Commiserates with Aginighan, Nunieh Families

NDDC Commiserates with Aginighan, Nunieh Families

by Armada News

Members of the Board and Management of the Niger Delta Development Commission, (NDDC) led by the Chairman, Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba, have paid a condolence visit to the families of its one time Acting Managing Director, the late Pastor Power Aginighan and the late Senator Cyrus Nunieh at their homes in Port Harcourt.

The NDDC delegation included the Managing Director,  Nsima Ekere, the Executive Director Projects,  Samuel Adjogbe, the representative of River State on the NDDC Board, Iboroma Harry, and other directors of the Commission.

Senator Ndoma-Egba urged Deaconess Ames Aginighan, the widow and other members of the family to grieve like Christians who have hope in resurrection, noting that as mortals we were in no position to question God.

The NDDC Chairman said that the loss of P. Z Aginighan, his son Tammy and police escort, was tragic and heart-breaking. “We have come to mourn with the family and share the pains of these difficult times,” he said.

He acknowledged the contributions of Aginighan to the achievements of the NDDC and the development of the Niger Delta region, stating that the history of the Commission would not be complete without underlining his efforts.

Senator Ndoma-Egba noted that matters of life and death were the exclusive preserve of God, stating: “It is not an area the Almighty wants to share with man because he cannot shares his divinity with man. We trust in his will and we trust in his judgement.

“For those of us who are alive, we can only take solace in the quality of life he lived. It is not the length of our years but the life in those years that matter.”

A representative of the family, Dr Ayakeme Whisky, stated that Aginighan, occupied many important positions in the NDDC, including serving as Executive Director, Finance and administration, and the Acting Managing Director.

The NDDC delegation also paid a condolence visit to the family of Senator Cyrus Nunieh who died on Tuesday, August 14, 2018. 

The NDDC Chairman observed that the late Senator Nunieh had an amazing sense of responsibility, commitment, passion, competence and courage. Even in his old age, his zeal to serve humanity never waned.

Senator Ndoma-Egba sympathised with the widow and children of the elder statesman over what he described as a grave loss. He remarked that Nunieh would be remembered for his contributions towards the Ogoni struggle for self-determination.

He said: “We commiserate with the family at this time of grave loss. It is our hope that the family members and others whose lives have been touched positively by him will continue to draw inspiration and be consoled by his life.”

One of the daughters of the late Senator, Joi Nunieh, eulogised her father, stating that Nigerians would remain indebted to him for his contributions over the years to improving the cause of justice and the judicial process.

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