Home Columns and Opinion NNAMDI KANU’S GRAND ENTRY


by Editor


It was a meteoric entrance into prominence orchestrated by an electronic age conman not so familiar with Igbo History but was a brilliant Theatre Artist with clear scripts of his path to political prominence.

The tragedy is that he used a humiliated people as cannon fodder. He had fooled a lot of people who did not know he was too young to pontificate on a system to which he was not privy. He had not been in war. He did not know Nigeria enough. He did not know enough of the war from stories of grief. He had little knowledge of Nigeria’s problems. But he found the limelight on account of Nigeria’s dumbness in seeking to muzzle free expression. Boomerang! The incumbent government has been fooled. Political prominence was the goal desired. Well, the time for wayfarers without cognate leadership and technocratic credentials is over.

One other Kanu had been on this path for Abacha. He crashed and vanished and earned The Dustbin of History. One Mazi Raph Uwazurike had earlier claimed to be anointed by Ojukwu for Ndigbo. He had his fill of funds expropriated from restive young men itching for change to circumstances created for youth during Biafra War which made them incarnate in worse conditions they seeded in previous incarnations. He lives in relative opulence now and speaks no further of his anointment. I had warned restive youth in my clan that they should not bother about Biafra until Ndigbo found unity. They listened to me and pieced their lives together with their half education. In the meantime school age drew by and they were lost to dreams and fantasies of a nation in anticipation of which they had shared offices based on phantoms created by subterranean media. One of them was Nnamdi Kanu’s.

Now the youth can lay down arms once more and believe me. No one should hurry the sunrise. The Nigerian nation state was a false amalgam and must break up to survive as units of their pristine components that must relate in federation or go up in flames down the road of greed, avarice and oppression born of opportunism and crass nepotism.

Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, led us to the path of ruin through sixteen years and our assets for growth got burnt up in the process. Providence threw up an indigene from a disadvantaged region to midwife federalism and he goofed over another chance to sit on the saddle. He was a goner for it. He slept over Resolutions of National Conference 2014 that ought to have brightened survival chances for the contraption called Nigeria.

In comes a strangest figure in Nnamdi with Biafra Mantra that was dropped like hot lead upon regaining freedom. This is a third error. There should not be another. Technocrats should step forward and keep charlatans at bay perpetually. We have burnt our Nature’s dose of good luck even in the hands of Goodluck.

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