Home News Senate okays Motion to immortalise Ekwueme

Senate okays Motion to immortalise Ekwueme

by Armada News

By Baron Ike,


A motion raised on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday, November 21 to have the person of late former vice president Alex Ekwueme immortalised was approved unanimously by the senators.

Ekwueme died in London on Sunday night at 85 after he was taken there for medical treatment.

He had earlier taken ill and was admitted at an Enugu Hospital where he was stabilised before he moved outside the country.

Following Ekwueme’s death, many well meaning Nigerians have been speaking kindly of him, with some describing him as not just a patriot, but an icon of democracy who helped to stabilise Nigeria’s democratic ship, among others.

Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekwerwemadu  who sponsored the motion also raised other prayers, all of which were approved by the senate.

Below is the sequence of Ekweremadu’s Motion:


SPONSOR: Sen. Ike Ekweremadu (Enugu West)

This Senate,

NOTES with a deep sense of loss the passing on of the former Vice President of Nigeria, His Excellency, Dr. Alex Ifeanyichukwu Ekwueme, GCON (October 21, 1932 – November 19, 2017).

NOTES that the late elder statesman was an intellectual giant and consummate professional, who pioneered the business of architecture in modern Nigeria and paid his dues to the social, economic, and political development of Nigeria.

RECALLS that late Dr. Alex Ekwueme was a bridge builder, patriot, and pan-Nigerian, who played a major role in the post-war reconciliation process in Nigeria.

CONSCIOUS of the fact that as Vice President of Nigeria, Chief Ekwueme led an exemplary life of unassailable probity and unimpeachable integrity, such that even the military tribunal that tried him during his 20-month detention after the 1984 coups, not only discharged and acquitted him, but also empathically stated that Dr. Ekwueme left office poorer than he was when he entered it, and to ask more from him was to set a standard, which even angels could not meet.

AWARE that the legend was a fearless soldier of democracy, who, among other efforts, mobilised 34 eminent Nigerians from across the country on the platform of G34 to demand an end to military rule and put pressure on the military to enthrone democracy.

RECALLS that he was very central to several hallmarks in Nigeria’s political development such as the six geopolitical zones and building one of the Nigeria’s major contemporary political parties, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which eventually governed this country for 16 years.

AWARE that the death of Dr. Ekwueme is, therefore, a grave loss to Ndi Anambra, the South East, and the entire Nigeria.

FURTHER AWARE that the life, times, and selfless service of such courageous, cerebral, and incorruptible leader and patriot should be appreciated and projected as a model for the political leaders, youth, the whole nation, and posterity.

 Accordingly resolves to:

 i. Observe a minute’s silence in honour of late Dr. Alex Ifeanyichukwu Ekwueme, GCON

 ii. Send a delegation of this distinguished Senate to condole with his family, the Government and people of Anambra State;

iii. Call on the Federal Government of Nigeria to immortalise him by naming the Federal Polytechnic Oko or other key federal institution or assets after him

I so move.

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