Home LifestyleHealth Your Health and You By Bose Banji-Idowu

Your Health and You By Bose Banji-Idowu

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Required Nutrients for the Body


Vitamin C as a water soluble vitamin, is an antioxidant that is known as ascorbic acid. It is important for the skin, bones, connective tissues and helps in the growth and repair of the body tissues. The body does not make vitamin C on its own, so it is important to take plenty of Vitamin C in the food. The normal level of Vitamin C in the body is 0.6 to 2mg/dL. Amount of Vitamin C adults need is 75 to 90mg per/day.

The following are the functions of Vitamin C in the body:

It is important in the formation and repair of collagen; collagen is the main element of the connective tissues responsible for holding the cells together and present in the bones and muscles.

It is vital for the cardiovascular system and synthesizes several important peptide hormones, neurotransmitters and carnitine.

Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repairs of tissues and also helps to heal wounds.

Vitamin C repairs and maintains cartilages, bones, teeth and keeps gum healthy and fights scurvy.

Benefits of Vitamin C could be as follows; it reduces sunburns, reduces the risk of cancer, prevents cataract and high blood pressure and sustain the body’s immune system. Taking Vitamin C also slows the rate of free-radical damages. Free radicals are volatile molecules that harm collagen and cause skin dryness and wrinkles. Vitamin C protects us from free radicals which cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress leads heart diseases and stroke.

Sources of Vitamin C: Vitamin C can be sourced from lemon, kale, lettuce, black goji berry, cayenne, spinach, broccoli, banana, black currant, cranberry, aloe vera, mango leaf, parsley, rosehip seed oil, tangerine, beet greens, brussels sprout, guava, kiwi fruit, bitter gourd, papaya, orange, barley, clove, strawberry, thyme, cauliflower,cabbage,grape,turmeric,mango,borage,grape, turmeric, tomato, potato, carrot, asparagus, bay leaf, bitter leaf, cashew, cocoa, celery, curry leaf, etc.

Effects of deficiency of Vitamin C in the body: The main deficiency of Vitamin C is scurvy. It can also leads to fatigue, weight loss, muscle ache, dry hair and skin infection. Lack of Vitamin C cannot produce collagen. Collagen is required for the health and repair of various tissues in the body.

Effects of Excess of Vitamin C in the body: It may cause kidney stones, indigestion and heartburn. It causes redness or flushing of facial skin. It can also cause diarrhea, constant dizziness and nausea.

The information provided herein is useful for healthy living, however, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking any medication.

The best wealth a man can possess is to live healthy.

* Bose Banji – Idowu, a Chartered Accountant is a Health and Wellness Coach. She is the founder of Healthy You platform with sole aim of reaching out to members on Healthy living. Email: bose.banji@gmail.com. Tel:+2348023362189

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